Man's pursuit of new knowledge, new information and new learning is endless for he is born with a brain to think in order to live in this very complicated world. God made man to rule over His kingdom as the highest- thinking- living thing alive which made him so much unique and different from all other animals on earth. For me, every move, every change, every discovery, and every advancement to improve his quality of life that man makes is considered technology. Every tool he used for his pursuit to learn to elevate and develop his life for the better is technology.
Now, why do we study technology/ies? It is but just very vital and is equally so important to study technology for it is what makes us alive in order to survive in this lifetime and forever-changing world. Every second, every minute, every hour a change in this world happens. And as a human being we have to live in the cadence of time. Man's intellect and intelligence to interact with what nature offers create new tools in order for man to continue living. Look how early men live from the way they fed, sheltered, and clothed themselves is now very far and different as much as what we are now. The simplicity and the complexity on how man lives today is but just called technology. So in order for man to survive and go on with the cadence and change of time, man has to keep studying what the future has to offer. Brilliant minds and geniuses discovered new things which gave rise to technology that aids man to live. From the simplest stones and rocks used to hunt and make for their food and now to the latest computer-aided and digital or just a press-buttons appliances and materials, from the simplest leaves to the branded clothes, from caves to mansions, from barefoot walking to the luxurious cars, from simple climbing to elevators, from horses to bullet trains and airplanes, from bows and arrows to highly sophisticated nuclear weapons, all these are but brought about by technologies. We really have to study technology in order for us to keep living and get paced with every change that this world offers. We can not just ignore any change for we are always part of it. We live in a fast changing world where technology is. Hence, in order for us to live and go with the cadence of time, we really have to study technology/ies.